Sb Cleaning Services Pte Ltd

公司名称:Sb Cleaning Services Pte Ltd
公司国家:新加坡 Singapore
公司地址:139 Bedok North Ave 3,
, Singapore 460139
电话Phone No:65 6445 9326
公司简介:SB Cleaning Services is a company that specializes in Cleaning services in Singapore. We have achieved great results in cleaning offices and our customers have heaped praises on us. We know that the job is a very tough one. But we have trained ourselves to be experts in the job. One of the areas that are most difficult to clean is certainly cleaning the carpets. They have dirt stuck deep between the fibers. A dirty carpet is not just dirty but also is dangerous as it harbors harmful bacteria and fungi. This could cause illnesses to your staff. This is why we perform the best carpet cleaning services Singapore has ever seen. We cannot bear to see our customers falling sick.

Our wide range of house cleaning services

commercial carpet cleaning
carpet cleaning part time
specialists carpet cleaning
best carpet cleaning
mattress cleaning company
carpet cleaning
cleaning mattress
upholstery cleaners
cleaners upholstery
cleaning services

for more cleaning service in Singapore details.,Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services


