Enta Manufacture Industries

公司名称:Enta Manufacture Industries
公司国家:新加坡 Singapore
公司地址:Blk 3021, Ubi Avenue 2, #04-193, Singapore 408897
电话Phone No:65-6744-1010
Sprayer / Duster
Animal Traps
Termite Gel
Mosquito Larvicide / Pupacide Products
“Just Toss It” Mosquito Oil Block
Flying Insect Killers
Flying Insect Glue trap
Auto Fly Trap
Banana fly canopy
Mosquito Death Trap
Silent Electro-Motive Force rats repeller
Ultra-Sterosonic Rat repeller
House Lizard(Geckos)Trap and repellent
Nesting Bird Scarers
Aromatic Bird repellent
Bedbug No-return Potion
Electronic Insect Killers/Bug Zappers
Anti-virus potion
Pre-baited Glue boards for centipedes/ants/…..
Snap traps for rodents (all sizes)
Bird-proof repellent, a sticky gel applied on surfaces to keep birds away
Pigeons trap
Sparrows trap
Dog trap
Cat trap
Multiple mice trap
Bat catcher, removes all nesting bats that haunts the house
Fly bait, special formula in dehydrated form.
Snake repellent, tells the reptile not to cross the line.
D.I.Y. Termite Solution, destroys termite colonies.
Outdoor flycatcher, traps up to 10,000 flies for 4-6 weeks.
Sprayers, Hand, compression or knapsack type.
Auto-start Thermal Fogging machine, no priming necessary.
3-nozzle Cold Fogger

Visit www.enta.com.sg for more info.,Pest Control Equipment & Supplies,Pest Control Products & Supplies


